Erectile Dysfunction and Why it Happens
Erectile Dysfunction, or E.D., is something that happens in every man’s life, at one time or another. When it happens to you, it can be very depressing. It can hurt more than your sex life, it can hurt your ego and self esteem. Erectile Dysfunction can prohibit you from engaging in sexual intercourse, even if you are in the mood.
Not being able to perform, one of the most important functions as a man, can damage your relationships as well. Sometimes your partner may feel that they are no longer attractive to you. You may even be accused of cheating. There is no limit to the damage that Erectile Dysfunction can have on a man’s life.
It is important to understand that you are not alone, and that this issue has no bearing on your manhood. It is not your fault, nor does it make you any less of a man. More often than not, the reason is health related, and is not in your control whatsoever. The sharing of the hyper male force reviews will result in awareness about the pills. The consumption should be done under the prescription of the experts. Proper control will be provided over the sexual behavior of the person. The rates will be reasonably charged for the pills after knowledge about benefits.
Although some causes of Erectile Dysfunction can be helped by changing your diet or keeping a regular exercise regimen, other causes may be beyond your control. It is important to see your doctor, as an underlying, serious medical condition may be causing your E.D..
More than half of all the E.D. cases in men 60 years of age or older is caused by vascular disease. This is when the arteries leading to the penis become clogged or blocked, and therefore not enough blood flow can reach the penis. Healthy blood flow to the penis is pertinent and essential for an erection. This is treatable with the help of your doctor.
Another medical condition that can lead to, and cause Erectile Dysfunction is diabetes. Diabetes can cause damage to the blood vessels which lead to the penis and prevent enough blood flow from reaching the penis, which is needed for an erection.
Men who smoke are at high risk of E.D. as well. Smoking narrows the veins, and therefore your blood flow is decreased.
The key reason for Erectile Dysfunction is not enough blood flow. Although the underlying health issues are different, lack of blood flow is the main issue causing Erectile Dysfunction.
Excessive alcohol, kidney problems, liver problems, or hereditary health issues can cause a hormone imbalance, and this is another, less common cause of Erectile Dysfunction. Your body may not be producing enough testosterone. Testosterone is essential for sexual arousal, and in turn, an erection.
If you and your doctor can not find a health related reason for your E.D., it may be mental or emotional. Depression and stress can affect you emotional state and cause you to lose your sex drive. This is temporary and can be helped by relaxing, and spending romantic time with your partner. You can also try longer foreplay. Do not rush, as this can cause more stress, and have a negative effect. Take your time and most of all, relax.
If you are experiencing Erectile Dysfunction, it is vitally important to see your doctor or healthcare professional, as it may be the effects of something serious. Do not just go for the quick fix, such as pills and such. Find the underlying cause and treat it. You will back to your old self in no time!