Your Computer And The Law Of Attraction
The Law of Attraction can be such a wonderful and fulfilling thing. You can try making a vision board and try a manifestation magic system. I figure it is the year 2010, that we all turn on our computers every day, probably more than one time throughout the day. So why not make a virtual vision board! The law of attraction is all about envisioning yourself already having the things that you want. This is why a vision board is suggested, so that you can look at it every day and imagine that you already have all of those things.
Personally, I have a Law of Attraction folder on my desktop. In it are multiple virtual vision boards that I have made and I plan on adding more. Here are a few suggestions that I have for you.
Look at your online bank statement, and click the print screen button on your keyboard. Then open a paint document and copy it. Then cut out your balance and replace it with the balance that you want to be in your bank account. Save it and look at it daily. Tell yourself that you’re going to check your bank statement and open the document. Believe and feel that it is your current bank statement and be grateful for it.
Want a new house? Google images of beautiful houses, or even the particular house that you want. Google images of floor plans that meet the standards of the house that you want. Copy and paste the images to a print document and save it as MY HOUSE. Look at it daily, it is your house! I love it and be thankful for it.
Want a better body? Do the same thing you did above but Google images of healthy bodies. Bodies of people that you admire. Copy and paste them into a paint document. Look at it every day and tell yourself that it is your body. You have a perfect body. You can eat whatever you want and you will always be at your ideal body weight. Love your body and be grateful for it!
You can make the vision paint documents for anything that you desire! Get creative! Open a paint document and fill it with affirmations. Read them, feel them, believe them, and think them every day.
It’s your life. Make the best of it. Manifest what you want into it. That is what the Law of Attraction is about. Being able to visualize these things every day will help you feel and believe them which will help them manifest into your life faster. I save my folder on my desktop so that I remember to look at it every time I sit down at my computer.
Good Luck!