How Can I Keep Spammers from Sending Me Their Junk Mail?
Advanced technological developments is making life easy but along with that, it is also increasing other types of problems especially in the use of the computer and the internet. The biggest problem is spamming which increases the tension of receiving unwanted junk mail and there is no way to stop the spammers as once they get access to your mail address they utilize it to their fullest advantage. However, if you adopt some basic strategies then you can obstruct the entry of spammers and their junk mail from entering into your inbox and eating up the precious space in your inbox besides creating the headache of continuously having to delete these mails for creating space to receive important and authentic mails.
If you are facing the problem of spamming then do not take any hasty step of replying to the spam mail even if you want to show your annoyance through the reply or want to stop their further ventures as this is their technique of verifying your email address. Once they verify that your email address is authentic then it will become difficult to stop them, as your address will permanently enter into their list. Moreover, never use the telephone numbers they provide for calling them if you use those numbers for requesting them to remove your address from their list it will not solve the matter because calling them will only lead to wastage of money. Use discretion before clicking on any link whether you have to click on the link to visit a website or for getting relief from spamming.
Be wary of any site that offers you the guarantee that it is a site with no spam as, until present date government has not sponsored any such site therefore if you access such site you may fall into the trap of conning where your email address will go into the hands of spammers. Also, be careful while filling any type of online form whether it is for survey purpose or for buying any item online or for any other purpose. Therefore, do not leave the check boxes provided in this forms at its default state and thoroughly read all the information provided in the form before clicking the submit button. Another way of obstructing spammers is to maintain separate email address for public use and private use. Always use the public address for online purchases and other public dealings and use the private address for messaging to close associates. Through the features of site, there will be no availability of junk files at the email address. The use will be available for the private and public companies.
You should always create email address, that is difficult to guess, and do not reply to any kind of mail, which arouses doubt in your mind about its validity or seems a mail from a stranger or some obscure identity. Never give your email address in any type of public books where they have the option of filling in your email address. The best option is to have business cards, which you can hand over to someone who desires to know your email addresses. This way you will be able to maintain the privacy and security of your email address.