Facebook Vs Myspace Vs Youtube
A few years ago I started hearing about Facebook from friends and relatives who said they couldn’t get enough of the site. “I just loooove Facebook!” they would say with conviction and intense delight.
Being the history/research buff that I am, I decided to go to another one of my favorite sites Wikipedia and research the origins of Facebook simply because I was curious about all the hoopla.
Consequently, I started my own Facebook page [under a different name] and found that even though Myspace is not the Taj Mahal of social networking sites, I preferred it and Youtube for a few reasons.
Myspace and Youtube Profile Pages Look Better than the Ones on Facebook
I consider myself to be quite computer savvy, but I could not figure out how to change the visual presentation of my Facebook profile page. Even the login page seemed quite bland to me and a bit uninviting. It’s been said that websites with plain white backgrounds sell more products than websites with colorful backgrounds — go figure. Perhaps that is due to a subconscious need for simplicity and clarity. If that is what you are after, the plain, uneventful format of Facebook will be right up your alley.
I prefer the colorful profile pages of Myspace and Youtube and find that I spend many more hours on those sites, specifically the latter. I log in to Facebook to accept friends that I already know who were recommended by friends that I don’t even associate with anymore, which leads me to my next point.
Can You Refer Some New Friends Please — and Not The Old Ones?
I love my family. Both my families on my mother’s and father’s sides are pretty large. Because we all live in the same general vicinity and visit the same churches, we are pretty close — hint hint.
I have found that on Facebook, when my family reaches out to me, the suggested friends are OTHER family members and old friends of family that I wouldn’t quite mind not ever seeing again and am really not interested in what they are doing. I know that sounds harsh, but I believe in progress, change, growth, spreading my wings and meeting brand new people with new ideas from different backgrounds. Unfortunately over 75% of all my Facebook friends are people that I was already familiar with prior to starting my Facebook account. There is minimal appeal for me to go and look for new people on Facebook like there is on Youtube — in my opinion, of course.
I’m Addicted to Youtube, Not Facebook
I could possibly make much more money on Yahoo if not for Youtube. Once I finally make up my mind to sit at my desk and gather thoughts for a new article, I find my fingers typing y-o-u-t…then I try to stop them and say to myself, You know what’s going to happen when you go to Youtube. I then lie to myself and tell me that one video, maybe two, won’t hurt anything. Four bleary-eyed hours later, I realize that I have once again lost an opportunity to crank out those 20 articles an hour. Dagnabbit, I’m just too nosy [which makes me a decent writer].
I love the different faces, points of views, homes and people on Youtube. Take me into your house and show me what you are doing, what you eat and how you live. I have been with myself all day and the last thing I want is to know what someone is doing who was raised by my mom’s sister….probably the same thing I was doing today. How can I broaden my horizons to the nth degree on Facebook? Don’t get me started on the silly little game invites and questions that I get from the younger members of my family who are on Facebook. Give me a break!
So there…. my reasons for preferring Myspace and Youtube to Facebook may definitely be my own, but perhaps you can see my point when you look at who your friends are on one of the fastest growing social networking sites today.